Hey the world! It has been a little bit since I check in with you so wanted to give a quick sign of life.
First, this is the first time I use WordPress since a recent update and let me just say, it sucks tremendously. I can’t stand it when companies try and change things that do not need changing.
All is going very well and just capping off what was an extremely busy 2018.
A lot of new hires to the company bringing our total employee count to be 38 this year and more to come next year. We’re really gearing up for a pretty big 2019 with the entire company effectively playing business development.
This year was a great one for professional career growth. The team members that came on board allowed me to learn and evolve as a leader and hopefully they received some great support or knowledge from me as well!
We had pretty incredible holiday parties both in Tampa and New York (pics below from our Instagram) and I wrote up a little “End Of Year” speech that I felt compelled to share here, hope you enjoy and here is to a great 2019 and beyond!
New York:
A year ago at this time the company looked different from what it is tonight and I was honestly excited but nervous as anyone would be over what a new year would bring.
As the team members that are here are aware, this was a year to build a great team to help us do great things in 2019 and beyond and the feeling that I have tonight is an incredible one.
When this company first began, It was a goal to be able to stand here in front of incredibly talented, humble, creative, and inspiring individuals and I am incredible proud to say that this goal has been achieved and I am incredibly proud to see what it is on this night.
It is not at all easy to do what we do. A lot of hours, sometimes all-nighters for some, emotional moments, frustrating moments and individuals who sacrifice time away from their families to do what they do for Symphonic and most of all independent creatives that are looking to get their music out there and heard by as many as possible.
This year… I’ve recognized that everyone in this room has worked tremendously hard.
We held it together during some transitional periods and even a few tough and challenging periods this year but I am thankful to say it was a great year.
Just want to remind everyone that in a little bit, we’re going to have friends, fans, and other colleagues join us because we’re not only celebrating our efforts, we’re celebrating the people that believe in the hard work you put in. Artists, record labels, journalists, and even individuals who freelance for us and they do it because of what it is that this company stands for and that is the independent creative.
There will be some challenging, tough, and at times emotional and frustrating times but remember the people you are doing it for each and every day and I promise you, it will be all worth it.
So to close….
Just wanted to say “Thank you”
Thank you to all the wives (including a very special one to me in Janette who puts up with a lot…..I mean… a lot).
Thank you to the husbands, partners, girlfriends and boyfriends for your patience and support.
Thank you for listening and let’s have some fun!