Symphonic Updates!

I wrote this for my company’s blog and thought, what the hell, may as well post it here too!

Hey everyone, it is Jorge Brea here, Founder & President of Symphonic. In addition to our tech team updating on a frequent basis, I too am going to start to update you a bit more on the going ons at Symphonic HQ. With so much going on, it is nice to communicate to our clients, partners, fans, and followers and I truly, haven’t done it in a while simply because we have all been quite focused at trying to make the service better for all of our clients.

Right now, I am on a plane on the way to Hamburg, Germany for the Reeperbahn Festival and Conference. It looks to be a great event and we’re headed there thanks to the A2IM Trade Organization. If you are reading this, check them out, they are quite helpful to get your business out there.

We will be doing a lot of meetings with new partners, potential record label and artist clients, and even a pretty cool trip to the American Consulate to meet with some of the companies based in Germany. In addition to that, looking forward to meeting with great friends and existing partners all of which, aimed to bring back new relationships that we hope will help everyone of our clients thrive.

In addition to that, our entire team has been hard at work as of late.

New SymBlog
You are reading this on our newly designed Symphonic Blog, or “SymBlog” as we call it. We will feature more company news and updates, event related information, industry news, and even some fun things as well. Check it out and kudos to our Marketing and design team!

screen-shot-2016-09-20-at-1-12-22-pmPartner Updates
The past few months have seen some changes to the partnerships we distribute to. You can always get a list of the latest partnerships by clicking here. Omnifone, MyMusicHouse, and Guvera in Australia have all been shut down and we are evaluating various partnerships for either launching and/or possibly phasing out distribution altogether. Rather than distributing to every partner out there, we are much more selective to ensure that there is a maximum possible return for every client that we distribute to.

Check out Music Biz 101!
We’ve launched an awesome new web series that is aimed at giving you “How Tos” about various parts of the music industry experience. They are available on our YouTube so subscribe away and more where that came from in the future!

Enhancements within Brands
I encourage everyone to check out our other brands: SymphonicB2B, Topple Track, Noiseporn, and Dubseed. A lot is going on with each of them individually. The B2B division has a new website, Topple Track has an upcoming mobile app + enhanced pricing, Noiseporn is getting more exclusive interviews and web series and Dubseed is growing the STEMS format by Native Instruments like never before!

Speaking of STEMS… It’s Growing!
We have been extremely active in terms of distributing STEMS with nearly 200 original STEMS tracks distributed across all outlets. (If you aren’t aware of what STEMS are, click here). We encourage every record label and artist to check out this new format that is keeping the Download format alive but further, growing it! We’re proud to have been named one of the first partners with Native Instruments and there is a lot upcoming in the format and other methods of distribution as we head into 2017.

Updated Help Center
We’ve been hard at work to make our Help Center as efficient as possible. We’ve re-organized, simplified it, and have added resources to make our Customer Support as effective as possible. We have re-routed our 1-866 number to be apart of our Help Center and while some may be disappointed that they can’t pick up the phone and immediately talk to a representative, this move was done with the intention of providing a better service. With so much going on every day, we want to be able to schedule time to discuss updates with everyone that inquires and thus, we ask that everyone create a ticket on our system for a call to be scheduled going forth. By doing this, we have become more productive and it has improved the speed of customer service, the speed of deliveries, and ultimately, made every client that has interacted with us in the past, happy about the fact that we can make undivided time and attention to your questions and issues.

And that’s it (for now)…
Well, the plane is about to land just in time for my laptop to warn me that the battery is about to die. I want to thank everyone that is reading this and of course, our awesome Clients, Partners, Staff, Fans, and Followers out there that believe in what Symphonic is about. We have some exciting things in the works and I am eager to share them with you in the future. Stay tuned to what is up on SymBlog as well as on our social networks for more!